Monday, September 9, 2019

Urban Planning - General Plan Anaylsis Research Paper - 1

Urban Planning - General Plan Anaylsis - Research Paper Example These people come from all over the world and are joined together in the work place thus making the work place the most culturally diverse institution followed by schools. In a typical work place it is obvious and somewhat normal to find an African, an Arab, a European, a Buddhist, a Christian or a Hindu and many others. Cultural diversity has become the norm of the contemporary society such that lack of it is considered weird and it is highly encouraged since it is a way of learning. Indeed there is lack of understanding of cultural diversity in various places. These places include at home, workplace, and in public. For example at the work place certain people because of their cultures do not condone certain behaviors while others are okay with them. In a case of bowing down while speaking to your boss or employer is considered respectful by the Asian community; this is the opposite in the American culture. In public the Arabic community never allows their women to dress in short and provocative dressing in public and insists on the traditional dress code yet many cultures allow women to put whatever they want. At home in an African setting a child is not allowed to talk back at adults even if they are wrong but some cultures like the American culture encourage children to express themselves especially if they are right or feel exploited or misunderstood. In order for people to get along well in workplace and be productive there is a need for understanding the concept of cultural diversity. This calls for training of cultural diversity in the work place. Different resources and training provides for workplaces to better understand cultural diversity. These resources include language: non English speaking workers can be taught English by the natives and fluent L2 speakers talking to them in English and correcting them when they make mistakes(Kim, &Mattila, 2011). Secondly, the employers can organize small weekend

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