Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Enternal Nutrition support assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Enternal Nutrition support assignment - Essay Example The registered dietitian (RD) has completed a nutrition assessment for Ms. Brown and has determined she will need a total of 2500 kcal daily to meet her nutrient needs. The RD plans to leave recommendations for three tube feeding delivery options in the medical chart for the physician to select from as it hasn’t been determined yet which option Ms. Brown will tolerate the best. 3. If Ms. Brown were to receive intermittent feedings eight times a day, how many milliliters of formula would she need at each feeding? If the formula were packaged in 250-mL cans, how many cans of formula would be required per day? Per feeding? 4/8= 0.5 mililitres Instructions: Visit the website at and read the article titled â€Å"Development of Evidence-Based Guidelines and Critical Care Nurses’ Knowledge of Enteral Feeding.† Answer the questions below based on the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Prioritizing the IT Project Portfolio Paper Essay Example for Free

Prioritizing the IT Project Portfolio Paper Essay Lilas Web design is a fairly new business. Lila has about 45 employees, and is in the middle of interviewing for an IT project manager. The Information Technology (IT) project will play an important role in Lilas business. The new IT project manager will be looking into getting the Project Portfolio Management (PPM) tools. This tool will help in the supporting process for helping in selecting the right project. With the new PPm all of the new project will be selected and evaluated. The PPM will also help to identify those projects that have a good success. Lilas Web design has so many factors when thinking about prioritizing the IT projects. The PPm is a very powerful tool that Lilas Web design will have. The PPM will help focus on the management of each IT projects. The new IT project manager needs to evaluate the importance and review the strategic objectives. The IT manager will have to take a look at Lilas strategic plan. Strategic plan is where the IT project manager will strengthen operations, set priorities, focus energy, and work on the common goal of the company. This is so that the IT project can be evaluated through the following criteria. Will the project create or drives more revenue for the company. Will the project cut the cost of doing business? Is this project mandated by federal, country, state, and local law? Is there any competitor in business who has undertaken a similar project? The model that we will be using for helping with prioritizing information technology projects is called the Credit Union Return on Technology (CURT) according to References Denbo, Adam, and Rand. Guthrie. Prioritizing IT Projects: An Empirical Application of an IT Investment Model.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Fort Pillow Attack :: essays papers

Fort Pillow Attack THE GRAND FABRICATION It is almost as difficult to find consistent information about the incident at Fort Pillow as it is to determine the moral significance of its outcome. Scholars disagree about exactly what transpired on April 12, 1864 at Fort Pillow, when General Nathan Bedford Forrest captured the fort with his 1,500 troops and claimed numerous Union lives in the process (Wyeth 250). It became an issue of propaganda for the Union, and as a result the facts were grossly distorted. After close examination it is clear that the  ³Fort Pillow Massacre ² (as it became known by abolitionists) was nothing of the sort. The 1,500 troops under the command of General Nathan Bedford Forrest acted as men and as soldiers in their capture of Fort Pillow. It is first necessary to understand what happened in the battle before any judgment can be made. A careful study performed by Dr. John Wyeth revealed the following information: from April 9-11, 1864, troops under the command of Ben McCulloch, Tyree Harris Bell, and Brig. General James Chalmers marched non-stop to Fort Pillow to begin their assault under the command of General Nathan Bedford Forrest. Confederate sharpshooters claimed the lives of several key Union officers during the morning assault on the fort. The losses included the commanding officer Major Loinel F. Booth, and his second in command shortly after that. These losses created a complete breakdown of order and leadership among the Union troops within the fort. (251) During the morning engagement, the gun boat the New Era was continually attempting to shell the Confederate forces from the Mississippi, but with minimal success. The Union forces fought back heartily until around one o ¹clock in the afternoon, when both sides slowed down. Around that time the New Era steamed out of range to cool its weapons. It had fired a total of 282 rounds, and its supplies were almost totally exhausted. During this hiatus in the firing, while Confederate troops waited for supplies that would arrive around three o ¹clock, Forrestwas injured when his horse fell on him after being mortaily wounded (252). When the supplies arrived, Confederate troops under a flag of truce delivered a message from Forrest that said,  ³My men have received a fresh supply of ammunition, and from their present position can easily assault and capture the fort, ² (253). Forrest demanded  ³the unconditional surrender of the garrison, ² promising

Thursday, October 24, 2019


1. What is the nature of OpenMRS and why was it developed? Why were US universities, US National Institute of Health (NIH) and US donors involved in developing this system? 2. What were the impacts of using OpenMRS in ISS Clinic? How did the healthcare system improve? 3. What were the problems encountered in using OpenMRS? Discuss the battle of forms and why there were disagreements about what forms to use. Make a distinction between research vs. clinical objectives, US researcher vs. local objectives. 4. Why the OpenMRS project is in danger of failure? Why did the clinicians at ISS clinic say that â€Å"we didn’t ask for it.It is your problem†? Why MOH and US researchers are at odds about the value of OpenMRS? 5. What can be learned from this experience when implementing IT projects in developing countries? Do culture and world politics have a role? Why? 1. The OpenMRS is an electronic medical record system (EMRS) that was developed to track of patients medical records across a variety of different countries to be used in different types of clinics. Having the software as open source also meant that the source code could be assessed by anyone and customized to fit their particular need.In the ISS Clinic in Uganda it was used for patients being treated for HIV/AIDS. The system was developed to replace paper records which would make the work of researchers and clinic workers easier. The EMRs was used to track patient progress and track the inventory of antiretroviral drugs. US donors were most interested in the system as it made the retrieving information on patients that is needed for their research on AIDS, antiretroviral treatment, and other disease research much more accessible. 2.The impact of using OpenMRS was that it had greater storage capacity than Microsoft excel and it could be customized for their own particular use. Using the new system clinicians were able to able spend less time reviewing patient data and more time with patients as w ell as reducing wait times. Since patients usually did not see the same clinic staff. The data also allowed them to analyze patient trends and reduce the instance of drug stock outs. They could also use the data base to generate random samples for new research studies. 3. The problem with the Open MRS system is that not everyone in the clinic was on board.Clinic workers generally thought of the system as more for the US researchers. Clinicians did not have much access to the system either as their primary tool was still paper forms. Another bump in the road was the Ministry of Health standardizing all forms for HIV clinics meant that ISS needed to redo their system to match the new forms, which also were lacking room the for the additional data needed for UCSF and MGH research. The Ministry of Health in Uganda was concerned with making the reporting of HIV treatment standard for all patients across all the different health platforms, public or private.For the US researchers they wan ted to include additional data for their various studies. Both the clinic and the researchers goal was to better and more efficiently treat the AIDS epidemic, however for the researchers they also needed to report back to their grant funders and publish studies in order to keep the program running. 4. The OpenMRS system was in danger of failure in 2010 because there was not enough financial support to cover the operational cost of the program. Funding was being stretched thinner and thinner and one of the clinics big grants was about to expire.The Ugandan Ministry of Health was also not willing to cover the gaps as they did not see the value in the system for their own objectives. The Clinicians didn’t see the immediate value of the system for themselves because they thought of it as a tool of the US researchers (US Researchers were the only ones publishing papers using the data) not thinking about how it’s effect on the day to day operations of the clinic. 5. I think that there is definitely a cultural element to the problem in developing support for the OpenMRS project. The US stakeholders seemed to come in and set up shop without any input from the local people or government.They thought that the government should automatically throw their support behind their efforts. The US stakeholders should have really engaged the local people more with the project, getting them more involved in developing the system and training them to use the system and showing clinicians why it is important for them. The Americans should have also gotten Ugandan researchers involved in using the system to publish their own papers. Having more of a local participation in the project and making it a collaborative effort would have made Ugandan government and workers see the system as their own.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Assignment 2 Building a Foundation for the Persuasive Speech Essay

I will give personal connection to the global warming subject through giving personal experience and facts about its effects by citing some of the common effects I have experienced and those experienced by the audience or their close neighbourhood. Relating the topic to the audience will help me to develop a common ground and prove my credibility on the topic (Gregory, 2012). In addition, I will reveal my credentials such as trainings and seminars certificates on global warming and other relevant supportive information that I have attained in the course of my studies. I will also mention the sources of my speech that are from the field of global warming. This information will build audience trust and there will be high probability that they will listen to my speech. Need for intellectual stimulation How would you keep the audience thinking and learning about your topic? Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   In order to make the audience thinking and learning about global warming, it effects and the need to engage themselves in activities that would counter their effects would include engaging the audience by asking them simple questions related to the topic. This will ensure that the audience are always alert and following the topic so that they will be able to answer the questions whenever I ask. I will also give examples in form of stories in order to keep the audience on track. I will allow my audience to have a one-minute-break to discuss their experience on global warming before delivering the final part of the speech. According to Gregory (2012) engaging audience to maintain their focus on the subject matter and they tend to understand most of the speaker’s message. Need for creativity How would you make the speech creative? Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   I will make my speech to be creative through telling short funny stories in between the speech. I will try to give examples that paint a picture in the mind of the audience. For example, Instead of saying that the area affected was 100 square kilometres, I will relate it to a given Island of the same size. Need for relevance How would you demonstrate that this topic is relevant to the audience’s needs and interests? Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   I will include facts in my speech that show that global warming is a current problem that governments, organizations and individuals are trying to address and so there is need to learn about it. I will also include examples that have affected audience directly or indirectly in order for them to appreciate that they need to know about the topic. I will show the audience the need to address global warming issues in such forums so as to educate the major populations. Moreover, I will emphasise the future effects of global warming if respective stakeholders will not take responsibility to address the issues of global warming. I will also bringing out the fact that global warming might affect the audience either directly or indirectly and so there is need to study about its effects and control to prevent loss and damages that may be caused by it. This will make the audience to learn the relevance for the issue. The ability to relate the topic to the audi ence, the current events and your knowledge helps to demonstrate relevance of a given topic (Gregory, 2012). Need for emphasis How would you emphasize your main points so that the audience will remember those points after the speech? Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   I will emphasise the main points by making repetitions, pause to show transition to a new and main point. I will also use key words such as note, important, worth and other words that show emphasis. I will try to raise the tone for the main points and in addition to informing the audience to note information. Moreover, I will support the main points using a number of reasons for emphasis. I will use gestures to signal a main point and try to maintain contact with the audience for sometimes. I will also write down the main points and ask the audience to note them in their note books. This will ensure that the audience are able to remember the main points after delivering global warming speech. References Gregory, H. (2012). Public Speaking for College and Career With Speech mate CD-ROM 3.0, 10th Edition. McGraw-Hill Learning Solutions. Source document

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Beer And Circus

Beer and Circus How Big-Time College Sports Is Crippling Undergraduate Education Introduction pg. 3-11 Four major student subcultures in American higher education: the collegiate, the academic, the vocational, and the rebel. The collegiate culture is a world of football, fraternities and sororities, dates, drinking, and campus fun. The serious undergraduates make up the outsiders on many campuses. The collegians practice immediate gratification while the outsiders practice deferred gratification. The academic culture is made up of the students who work hard and make the best grades. The undergraduate student subculture of serious academic effort is more dominant on some campuses than others and more marginal on some campuses than others. The vocational culture mainly consists of married students, most of them working 20-40 hours per week, and there is simply not enough time or money to support the extensive play of the collegiate culture. The rebel culture is made up of students who are deeply involved with ideas, both the ideas they encounter in the classroom and those that are current in the wider society of art, literature, and politics. Today, they make up a small minority on most college campuses. The best way to sum up these student subcultures is rebel students â€Å"pursue an identity†; collegians â€Å"pursue fun†; academic students seek â€Å"knowledge†; and vocationals fix on â€Å"a diploma.† Part One: The Rise of Beer-And-Circus Chapter 1: pg.15-22 Animal House 1960’s- low point for collegiate subculture on American campuses. Animal House is one of the most remarkable movies in Hollywood history. Fraternities and sororities doubled in membership nationwide from the 1970s to the 1990s. Penn State became known as â€Å"Happy Valley† because of the greek system and all the partying that went along with that. A film reviewer commented that Animal House ... Free Essays on Beer And Circus Free Essays on Beer And Circus Beer and Circus How Big-Time College Sports Is Crippling Undergraduate Education Introduction pg. 3-11 Four major student subcultures in American higher education: the collegiate, the academic, the vocational, and the rebel. The collegiate culture is a world of football, fraternities and sororities, dates, drinking, and campus fun. The serious undergraduates make up the outsiders on many campuses. The collegians practice immediate gratification while the outsiders practice deferred gratification. The academic culture is made up of the students who work hard and make the best grades. The undergraduate student subculture of serious academic effort is more dominant on some campuses than others and more marginal on some campuses than others. The vocational culture mainly consists of married students, most of them working 20-40 hours per week, and there is simply not enough time or money to support the extensive play of the collegiate culture. The rebel culture is made up of students who are deeply involved with ideas, both the ideas they encounter in the classroom and those that are current in the wider society of art, literature, and politics. Today, they make up a small minority on most college campuses. The best way to sum up these student subcultures is rebel students â€Å"pursue an identity†; collegians â€Å"pursue fun†; academic students seek â€Å"knowledge†; and vocationals fix on â€Å"a diploma.† Part One: The Rise of Beer-And-Circus Chapter 1: pg.15-22 Animal House 1960’s- low point for collegiate subculture on American campuses. Animal House is one of the most remarkable movies in Hollywood history. Fraternities and sororities doubled in membership nationwide from the 1970s to the 1990s. Penn State became known as â€Å"Happy Valley† because of the greek system and all the partying that went along with that. A film reviewer commented that Animal House ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Love and Family essay

Love and Family essay Love and Family essay Love and Family essayThis book discusses the issue of family love, placing emphasis on the commitment between family members. The author’s main characters are two women and their three children. This book provides an example of the significance of love and trust in family relationships. This source of information can be used in the further research to assess the connection between love and family attitudes.   This source is reliable as many facts are taken from real life situations.This article explores family relations, providing the study of the key differences in love styles among four family life stage groups. The researchers use the Love Attitude Scale to identify differences that exist in family relations between the non-married and married groups. The researchers discuss the love attitudes and family relationship satisfaction at various life stages. This source is reliable and can be used in the further research. This source is a scholarly article that provides much i mportant facts on the issue of love and family relations.In this book, the author tells a story of a young boy’s journey into manhood. Special attention is paid to family relations and the role of family in the life of an individual. The tale of the main character Kikuyu is frustrating, but it demonstrates the significance of human values, family unity and mutual understanding. This source is reliable as the author uses true facts that reflect the identity of African people. The source is objective as the information is supported by historical evidence. The facts are well-documented. The author is a Kenyan writer, who is well-educated to write on this topic. This book can be used in my research as it provides much information on the topic â€Å"Love and Family†.This article explores the important role of father love. The authors assess cultural construction of fatherhood and the effects this construction may have as a motivator for understudying father love. The resear ch is based on demonstration of the powerful impact of father love on children’s development. Special attention is paid to social, emotional, and cognitive development of children and young adults. This scholarly article is reliable and can be used in the further research. The major facts are well-documented. The authors are psychologists and provide much important information of the topic, based on psychological analysis.This book discusses the relationships between parents and their children. The author of the book refers to the Fourth Commandment of God which says, â€Å"Honor thy father and thy mother.†   The author places emphasis on the role of religion in family relations and helps to better understand the nature of love that exists between parents and their children. Religion helps to keep family members together, educate children and prepare them for adulthood. This source of information is reliable and can be used in the further research. The author is qual ified to write on the topic of the role of love in the family. This book is a helpful source as it is focused on the analysis of the required issue.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Plant Bugs, Family Miridae

Plant Bugs, Family Miridae As their name suggests, most plant bugs feed on plants. Spend a few minutes examining any plant in your garden, and theres a good chance youll find a plant bug on it. The family Miridae is the largest family in the entire order Hemiptera. Description In a group as large as the family Miridae, there is a lot of variation. Plant bugs range in size from a tiny 1.5 mm to a respectable 15 mm long, for example. Most measure within the 4-10 mm range. They vary quite a bit in color, too, with some sporting dull camouflage and others wearing bright aposematic shades. Still, as members of the same family, plant bugs share some common morphological traits: four-segmented antennae, four-segmented labium, three-segmented tarsi (in most species), and a lack of ocelli. The wings are a key defining characteristic of the Miridae. Not all plant bugs have fully formed wings as adults, but those that do have two pairs of wings that lie flat across the back and overlap at rest. Plant bugs have a wedge-shaped section (called the cuneus) at the end of the thick, leathery part of the forewings. Classification Kingdom – AnimaliaPhylum – ArthropodaClass – InsectaOrder –HemipteraFamily - Miridae Diet The majority of plant bugs feed on plants. Some  species specialize on eating a particular kind of plant, while others feed generally on a variety of host plants. Plant bugs tend to prefer eating the nitrogen-rich parts of the host plant – the seeds, pollen, buds, or emerging new leaves – rather than the vascular tissue. Some plant bugs prey on other plant-eating insects, and a few are scavengers. Predaceous plant bugs may specialize on a certain insect (a particular scale insect, for example). Life Cycle Like all true bugs, plant bugs undergo simple metamorphosis with just three life stages: egg, nymph, and adult. Mirid eggs are often white or cream-colored, and generally long and thin in shape. In most species, the female plant bug inserts the egg into the stem or leaf of the host plant (usually singly but sometimes in small clusters). The plant bug nymph looks similar to the adult, although it lacks functional wings and reproductive structures. Special Adaptations and Defenses Some plant bugs exhibit myrmecomorphy, a resemblance to ants that may help them avoid predation. In these groups, the Mirid has a notably rounded head, well distinguished from the narrow pronotum, and the forewings are constricted at the base to mimic an ants narrow waist. Range and Distribution The family Miridae already numbers well over 10,000 species worldwide, but thousands more may still be undescribed or undiscovered. Nearly 2,000 known species inhabit North America alone. Sources: Borror and DeLongs Introduction to the Study of Insects,  7th edition, by Charles A. Triplehorn and Norman F. Johnson.Encyclopedia of Entomology,  2nd edition, edited by John L. Capinera.Biology of the Plant Bugs (Hemiptera: Miridae):  Pests, Predators, Opportunists, by Alfred G. Wheeler and Sir Richard E. Southwood.Family Miridae, Plant Bugs,, accessed December 2, 2013.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Lives of the Artists Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lives of the Artists - Essay Example Specifically, I will discuss what distinguished Brunelleschi’s work from that of his predecessors. Before he expounds on the biography of Brunelleschi, Vasari provides his own evaluation of the great architect’s work. Vasari says that Brunelleschi had a truly lofty genius and credits him with building the most beautiful, the tallest and the most remarkable structure among those that have ever been built either in his time or in the times of antiquity. His role as a father of the Renaissance style of architecture is explained in the following way: â€Å"he gave a new form to architecture which had been going astray for hundreds of years† (Vasari 110). In Vasari’s opinion, before Brunelleschi, men had spent fortunes in vain attempting to construct desirable buildings. Their efforts resulted in having buildings devoid of any sense of order since they were constructed using bad methods. Those buildings lacked grace in a shameful way and displayed poor design and â€Å"the worst kind of decoration† along with weird inventions. Brunelleschi managed to create new forms on the basis of Classical Roman architecture which he combined with the achievements of Tuscan and late Gothic architecture. Unlike his predecessors, Brunelleschi introduced the concept of order to the art of construction. In his view, based on multiyear observations of the remains of Roman architecture, proportion was the ground for beautiful constructions. It allowed constructing buildings with clear space and mass, which were easily comprehended, contrary to the complexity of the Gothic form. Building symmetrical and proportional buildings became possible due to the introduction of the linear perspective by Brunelleschi. These geometrical calculations helped to erect buildings that followed mathematical order. The method of perspective, according to Vasari, was

Are we our bodies or are we our minds Descartes and Nietzsche's Essay

Are we our bodies or are we our minds Descartes and Nietzsche's arguments - Essay Example I will discuss and compare arguments from both philosophers’ viewpoints in order to reach a conclusion. In â€Å"Meditations on First Philosophy,† Rene Descartes begins to uncover the underlying truth for humankind through various methods. His ideas and thoughts were considered radical at that time, particularly because his arguments went against those made by Aristotle, upon which society perceived truth (SparkNotes Editors). Because of this fact, Descartes tried to entice Aristotelian philosophers into reading all six meditations by starting off light. The first meditation is supposed to build the groundwork and is not supposed to come up with any quick answers. Descartes conveys to himself that whatever he thinks he knows so far must be doubted in order to build a solid foundation that cannot be proven false. He argues in the first meditation that his body is faulty and is bound to make errors. This leads him to believe that it cannot be trusted in showing him what t he real truth is. In addition, he also starts to doubt his senses as they are an extension of his body and are thus flawed. Left with knowing nothing, Descartes slowly transcends into deep thought and begins to ponder if the world in which he lives is just a â€Å"universal dream† where some evil genius is trying to manipulate him in every possible way. The first meditation literally means â€Å"concerning those things that can be called into doubt.† This meditation raises many interesting concepts that Descartes attempts to explain. Descartes doubts his own beliefs because he recalls that they have deceived him previously. His reasoning is that if we have been deceived once, then there is the possibility that we may be deceived again. To avoid this from happening, Descartes believes that we must discard the ideas and thoughts that we doubt because they are untrustworthy. From these thoughts, Descartes come up with the idea of the Dream Argument. The explanation of thi s is that if he is dreaming or is being deceived, then his beliefs are unreliable. The concept of the Dream Argument shows up in the following meditations in the form of an â€Å"evil genius† who blinds everyone and tries to deceive us for his own benefit. Descartes explains how he feels that he is dreaming even when he is not. Descartes’ Dream Argument also suggests that he now has reasons to not believe his senses any longer because his senses are the tools in which he uses to perceive things around him. The upshot of Descartes’ argument is that he needs to hold judgment on his beliefs until they can be proven beyond belief. He admits that he habitually accepts truths about the world around him without basing his beliefs on proof. Skepticism is linked throughout Descartes’ first meditation; although he admits that no one can be fully skeptical of everything without good reason. However, he argues that it is difficult to justify dismissing skepticism (Sp arkNotes Editors). After Descartes finishes the key points of his first meditation, he then moves onto the second meditation. In the next meditation, Descartes makes a distinct argument for why the mind is important in our existence and for survival, and also how it is more known than the body is. Descartes builds upon his argument from the first meditation in his second meditation. This meditation is known as â€Å"on the nature of the human mind, which is better known than the body.† Descartes pushes forward in his quest for the absolute

Friday, October 18, 2019

Persuasive Research PaperFinal Version Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Persuasive Research PaperFinal Version - Essay Example Some brides experience the intercourse slightly discomforting and unsatisfying. Rather than accepting that this is a usual, normal experience that will eventually be go away through repetition, she could sustain a negative form of fear or anxiety which will ruin the marriage. This usually results in depression. This essay argues that postnuptial depression or post-wedding blues among newlywed women is very real and common. Postnuptial depression is a widespread, but rarely studied issue. Signs involve buying Martha Steward Weddings in secret, attending bridal shows simply to know the current trend in the market, and trying to make an appointment with the wedding planner because she misses her. Postnuptial depression may not be classified as a clinical finding, yet it has moved into the marriage dictionary in recent years, and newlywed women will attest to its reality. The depression normally happen soon after the wedding, according to psychiatrists, as newlywed women start realizing that dreams of how their relationship or spouse will change after the wedding are too idealistic. Worse, as soon as the excitement of the wedding dries out, couples are forced to abandon their deeply treasured and often enduring ‘bride and groom’ limelight and simply deal with reality. A San Francisco psychologist, Dr. Michelle Gannon, reports there has been an increase recently in the number of newlyweds who seek help for their postnuptial depression. According to psychiatrists, most people feel a certain extent of disillusionment after the wedding, but 5 to 10 per cent of newlywed couples experience severe enough regret, disappointment, or unhappiness to compel them to look for professional counselling. The medical head of the Moonview Sanctuary in California, Dr. Terry Eagan, refers to post-wedding blues the undisclosed sorrow—women who suffer from it are usually quite ashamed to disclose it to anyone. One newlywed woman admitted that â€Å"A lot of my friends had

Summary Report - Electronic Privacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Summary Report - Electronic Privacy - Essay Example David shows the audience how surveillance can be malicious if it lands on the wrong hands. He reveals how a former employer steals his fired employees phone records, a woman who loses his job due to mistaken identity. He also shows how a man discovers that his rental car company was tracking him every move. While most people will take the freedom they enjoy for granted, David utilizes the documentary to remind us that freedom is a precious thing and should not be taken for granted. Many people would want to keep their email conversations to themselves, the text messages we send to remain a conversation between ourselves and the recipient but that is not the case anymore. The governments super machines sift through all this communication data and archive them. The documentary also introduces to the viewers to the little known department of AOL, which works closely with law enforcement agencies on request for individuals information. These companies are monitoring the employees, shoppers and diners observed and analyzed. Bank records and financial statements, communication trends and patterns, are being monitored stored and archived for future references if need is. It is clear now that with technology comes with challenges and one of them is the loss of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Australian Taxation Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Australian Taxation Law - Assignment Example b) Eddie buys a house in January 2003 and sells it in Jan 2007. Therefore, this is a capital asset, and capital gains tax are applicable in this case (Global Property Guide, 2015). Since the transaction occurs after 21 September 1999, the capital gains taxable amount will be discounted at 50% since Eddie has owned the asset for at least 12 months. Capital gains tax is calculated on the net gain on the capital sale. c) The capital gains tax I this case will be net of $800,000 less the amount that John had paid to purchase the farm. Since John is an individual, the calculations will be done on individual graduated scales of taxation. If it was a company, the tax rate is 30% flat (Global Property Guide, 2015). d) The total capital gains in Quantas shares is (1.56- 0.45) $1.11 per share and that in Westco is (2.10-5.20) a loss of $3.1 per share. The net gain in Quantas in added to the loss in westco and added to other revenues for calculation of tax for the individual. According to income tax assessment act 1997, the tax exempt entities include Community Service organizations, educational services, and charitable organizations (Australian Government, 2012). These entities must be registered under the Australian Charities and not for profit commission act 2012. The capital gains discount where 50% discounting rate is used for assets held for at least 12 months and 33.33% for complying super funds, indexation for assets acquired before 21september 1999 and the third where cost base is deducted from capital proceeds (Austrilian Government, 2012). Jerry is conducting the business of fishing as much as it seems he is doing it as a hobby. Jerry compensates his sons for their efforts thereby creating a monetary value for their work and thus there is income earned by the sons. Jerry also sells extra fish to the available market at prices he wishes and,

Gay Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Gay Marriage - Essay Example Massachusetts became the first state to legalize marriage between same-sex couples on May 17, 2004, as a result of a November 2003 decision by the state’s highest court that denying gay and lesbian couples the right to marry violated the state’s constitution. (Smith, 2005:2) Though homosexuality has been being practiced for centuries in almost all parts of the earth, both explicitly or secretly, and men and women belonging to various age groups get indulged into it, yet an overwhelming majority of human societies apparently denounce the same provided it challenges the moral values prevailing in the culture as well as unrestricted permission of the same may put the reproduction system as well as survival of human race at grave jeopardy. Marriage’s role in upholding respect for the transmission of human life is the first event in procreation. Humans undergo unprecedented challenges to that respect because of new techno-science that opens up unprecedented modes of t ransmission of life. (Somerville, 2003:3) The religious leaders including rabbis, monks, priests and bishops particularly condemn and censure same sex relations and marriage due to the very reality that the Scriptures do not allow it at any cost. According to Bible, if a man also lies with mankind, as he lieth with a woman; both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. (Leviticus, 20:13) It is therefore, the Abrahamic faiths, including Judaism, Christianity and Islam, rebuke gay sex without granting any space to this activity. Though several western countries, having Christians in majority, have displayed relaxation to voluntary gay sex, yet the Muslim states are still reluctant to bestow such rights upon their subjects. They cite the example of the people of Prophet Lot, tale of whom has manifestly been narrated in the Holy Qur’an, who were pelted with stones from the heavens and destroyed en masses for transgr essing from the right path for openly developing male-male relationships and thus ignoring their women and putting reproduction at stake subsequently. (Al-Aaraf: 80-82)Â  Moreover, other conservative faiths including Hinduism and Confucianism also denounce gay marriage on religious grounds, without giving slightest way to the same. Gay sexual union observes opposition beyond religion too, as a large proportion of scholars, thinkers and philosophers consider it as the violation of morality and thus perversion in the real sense. They declare homosexuals as mentally retarded patients, who are undergoing psychological and emotional collapse or disorder because of some deprivation or incident they have undergone in their past. They are of the opinion that the children who were ransacked, abused and molested could turn as murderers, child molesters, pederasts and rapist as well while adopting criminal line on becoming grown ups. It is therefore the homosexuality cannot be tolerated or ne glected as a curse for society. The price of toleration of serious deviance from a society’s constitutive morality is the loss of a distinctive form of interpersonal integration in community understood as something worthwhile for its own sake. (George, 1993:65). The opposition of gay rights is not confined to the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Australian Taxation Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Australian Taxation Law - Assignment Example b) Eddie buys a house in January 2003 and sells it in Jan 2007. Therefore, this is a capital asset, and capital gains tax are applicable in this case (Global Property Guide, 2015). Since the transaction occurs after 21 September 1999, the capital gains taxable amount will be discounted at 50% since Eddie has owned the asset for at least 12 months. Capital gains tax is calculated on the net gain on the capital sale. c) The capital gains tax I this case will be net of $800,000 less the amount that John had paid to purchase the farm. Since John is an individual, the calculations will be done on individual graduated scales of taxation. If it was a company, the tax rate is 30% flat (Global Property Guide, 2015). d) The total capital gains in Quantas shares is (1.56- 0.45) $1.11 per share and that in Westco is (2.10-5.20) a loss of $3.1 per share. The net gain in Quantas in added to the loss in westco and added to other revenues for calculation of tax for the individual. According to income tax assessment act 1997, the tax exempt entities include Community Service organizations, educational services, and charitable organizations (Australian Government, 2012). These entities must be registered under the Australian Charities and not for profit commission act 2012. The capital gains discount where 50% discounting rate is used for assets held for at least 12 months and 33.33% for complying super funds, indexation for assets acquired before 21september 1999 and the third where cost base is deducted from capital proceeds (Austrilian Government, 2012). Jerry is conducting the business of fishing as much as it seems he is doing it as a hobby. Jerry compensates his sons for their efforts thereby creating a monetary value for their work and thus there is income earned by the sons. Jerry also sells extra fish to the available market at prices he wishes and,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Diabetes and Obesity (Biology) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Diabetes and Obesity (Biology) - Assignment Example It occurs as a result of absolute insulin deficiency insulin, due to rampant destruction of cells producing insulin, the beta cells of pancreas. There is a strong genetic predisposition to this type of diabetes. On the other hand type-2 diabetes mainly occurs in late adulthood and the main predisposing factors are lifestyle factors and obesity. Lifestyle factors in this regard include sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eatimg habits like irregular meals, binge eating and fast foods. Even in this type of diabetes genetic factors play a role. The main cause for diabetes type-2 are a combination of decreased secretion of insulin from the beta cells and also increased resistance of the receptors of the insulin in the peripheral tissue (Votey, 2005), which means that whatever insulin is secreted is not effective. The most common form of diabetes is type-2 diabetes and it has significant relevance to obesity. Thus, diet and exercise play a major role in prevention and also treatment of the disease. In this article, the role of obesity in the development of diabetes will be discussed. The main defect in diabetes type-2 is the inability of the tissues to respond to insulin. There is also decreased production of insulin by pancreas. Both these amount to increased glucose levels in the blood, known as hyperglycemia. An important causative factor is obesity. This is more so when obesity is more around the waist, known as central obesity (Votey, 2005). Obesity leads to decreased resistance of tissues to insulin. The fatty acid and triglyceride levels are high and these further interfere with insulin signaling. Another important aspect in obesity which influences the development of diabetes is dysregulation of the secretion of adipokine which is a hormone that causes peripheral resistance to insulin and contributes to the development of diabetes. Thus, obesity has a major role to play in the development of the most common form of diabetes, type-2 diabetes. Figure.1: Causes o f diabetes type-2 (Source: Diabetes is a silent killer and can lead to both acute and chronic problems that are potentially fatal or debilitating. Acute problems include, unconsciousness and coma either due to high or low blood glucose levels, confusion, anxiety and tremors. Chronic problems include development of retinal problems, grouped under retinopathy, kidney problems, known as nephropathy and problems related to nerves, known as neuropathy. Other than these long term problems, diabetes also leads to cardiac problems (Votey, 2008). Infact, any organ in the body can be damaged by diabetes. That is why it is very important to prevent diabetes and also keep it in control when contracted by this disease. The main aim of treatment of the disease are prevention of complications (DOH, 2008). This can be done by receiving appropriate medical care a physician-coordinated team which includes physicians, nurse practitioners, physician’s assistants, nurses, dietitians, pharmacists, and mental health professionals with expertise and a special interest in diabetes. The most important aspect of prevention and also management of diabetes is lifestyle modification. This includes active physical life through exercise and physical activity, cutting down on excessive eating, following health eating habits like balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables and regular meals, cutting down on excessive alcohol indulgence and avoiding stress (DOH, 2008). Regular exercise is essential

Monday, October 14, 2019

The play, An Inspector Calls is written by J.B Priestley Essay Example for Free

The play, An Inspector Calls is written by J.B Priestley Essay The play, An Inspector Calls is written by J. B Priestley. It was written in 1945 and set in 1912, just before World War One. The play is all set in the Birling household in Bromley. In the play the Birlings and Gerald Croft are celebrating the engagement of Sheila Birling and Gerald. The are all celebrating in a self-satisfied way. Arthur Birling is telling Eric and Gerald about every man should be for himself and that everyone should look out for themselves and their families. There is a knock on the door and Inspector Goole bears the news of a young woman who died in an infirmary from drinking disinfectant. The Inspector slowly implicates all of the Birlings and Gerald into the suicide of the girl, Eva Smith. Mr. Birling fired Eva from her job, as she wanted a small pay-rise. Sheila got Eva fired from a job in Milwards by using her social power just because she was jealous of her. Gerald had met her and gave her a place to stay, but had then left her after a while. Eric had met her in a pub and then made love to her and got her pregnant; he then stole money from his father, Arthur to help support her. Mrs. Birling then turned Eva down from her help community and made sure no one else listened to Evas story. The Inspector made everyone confess to what they had done to contribute to Evas death. After the Inspector left, Arthur and Gerald realised that the Inspector wasnt really an Inspector. They all thought they were in the clear when the phone rang and the real police said there was a girl dead in an infirmary, and that the police were on there way to the Birling household for an interview. At that point the play ends. The structure is that it consists of three acts and it is set in real time, so the time it takes for story to unfold is the same time it takes the audience to watch the play. It also has a unity of place and action, so it is all in the same place (the Birling household) and so is the action. I think it is set like this to give the audience help in understanding the morality of the play, which is We are all members of one body, we are all responsible for each other. Priestleys main aims about responsibility is that he is saying everyone is responsible for everyone else, and that you cannot just care about yourself, the opposite of what Arthur Birling thinks. He demonstrates this by slowly making all the characters partly responsible for Evas death, and as a whole all the characters drove Eva to her death. So Priestley is teaching the characters a lesson as well as the audience watching. At the beginning of the play Priestley makes Arthur say a man has to mind his own business and look after himself but after the play the Inspector comes in Priestley contradicts what Arthur said by making all the characters partly responsible for Evas death. Priestley sets the play in real time so both the audience and characters can experience the feelings and emotions of the play at the same time. In the play, Priestley has made Arthur a man who believes in only looking out for yourself and your family only. Arthur makes out to be a man who can do as he pleases just because of his social and business position. Priestley also makes Arthur say things like -the Titanic- she sails next week-forty-six thousand eight hundred tons-New York in five days-and every luxury-and unsinkable Priestley made Arthur say this knowing full well that the Titanic was sinkable and did sink! I think Priestley is trying to make out about how wrong Arthur is on many aspects of life and that he is also wrong in thinking every man for himself.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Islam in the Ottoman Empire

Islam in the Ottoman Empire THE ISLAMIC CHARACTER OF THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE â€Å"In what ways was the Ottoman Empire Islamic?† ________________________________________________________________________ Part I: Introduction: This paper seeks to make an analysis of the ways in which the Ottoman Empire was Islamic. It seeks to establish the relationship between the Ottoman Empire and Islam, the religion on which it was founded. Part II: Summary: At the core of this narration is the fact that the nature of enforcement of Islamic tenets in the length and breadth of the Empire kept shifting with time. Although Islam and the Ottoman Empire were inseparable, since the very foundation of the Empire was Islamic, the actual manner in which Islam was enforced in the Empire varied in relation to time and geographical space. The pattern in which Islam was enforced altered from that of a brutal version at the beginning of the Empire to one that moderated greatly as the decades and centuries progressed. In other words, the dispensation shifted from Jihad to Dhimma. [1] The nature and reasons for this metamorphosis forms the heart of the paper. Moreover, Islam in its unadulterated form could not be enforced in a monolithic, homogeneous fashion in all the centuries of Ottoman rule, because the territories they governed were vast and disparate. In view of this complex scenario, this paper, due to the severe constraint of space, tak es up only two important aspects of Islam that were more or less a constant in the Empire as it grew –the treatment of non-Muslim subjects, and of women. In these, an overwhelmingly large part is devoted to the former, because administration enjoyed greater primacy, while the latter is referred to in passing. On account of this dearth of space, a unique element of the Ottoman Islamic military, the Janissaries, is left out. Part III: Discussion: The ascendancy to power of the Ottomans took place in the backdrop of the waning of authority of the Seljuk dynasty, the dominant power of Asia Minor until then.[2] In the given situation, since the political situation was very volatile, and opportunity was afforded to building an empire to one who succeeded in this unstable milieu, what was needed was brute force to achieve these ends. The period saw a novelty –the formation of a band of savage and predatory men calling themselves the Ghazis. Fanatically dedicated to Islam, these warriors derived their authority from the Islamic notion of Jihad –Holy War. The earliest Ottomans were typical examples of Ghazis. This concept enabled the Ottomans, who till then had been an insignificant vassal of the Seljuk dynasty, to now establish their authority in the region. This is how the establishment of the Ottoman Empire was based entirely on a primitive interpretation of and resort to militant Islam. (Turnbull, 2003, p. 10) From these beginnings, over the years, the Ottomans displayed towards non-Muslim subjects a sense of tolerance that would put Europe to shame. During the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries, when events such as the Inquisitions were becoming milestones in Europe’s history[3], the Jews found refuge in the Ottoman Empire. This was the predominant destination to which the persecuted Jews milled, and were able to practice their way of life without any hindrance. A Hapsburg ambassador in the court of Suleiman the Magnificent had this to say about the Ottoman Sultan’s attitude towards his empire’s non-Muslim subjects: It is by merit that men rise in the service, a system which insures that posts should be assigned to the competent . . . . They do not believe that high qualities are either natural or hereditary . . . , but that they are partly the gift of God, and partly the result of good training, great industry, and . . . zeal . . . . Honors, high posts and judgeships are the rewards of great ability and good service. This is the reason that they are successful in their undertakings. (Levy, 1992, p. 15) Reasons for the change in attitude: Some major reasons can be attributed for this benign treatment of these subjects. As inheritors of the pristine tenets of Islam, these rulers considered Christian and Jewish people their theological predecessors; on account of this, although the Koran was considered the final and purest revelation, the same Koran, the ultimate fountainhead of wisdom to the Muslims, also placed upon Muslim rulers an obligation to protect their non-Muslim subjects, under the covenant of the Dhimma. (Levy, 1992, pp. 15, 16) For this protection, these subjects had to pay a tax, and were required to live under some restrictions, such as acceptance of Muslim superiority, being banned from riding animals that Muslims rode, and being made to wear distinguishing dresses or badges. (Lewis, 1982, p. 5) Other restrictions included being obliged to build houses lower than those of Muslims, being proscribed from residing in the neighbourhood of a mosque, and allocation of the pl ace of dispute resolution between minorities.[4] (Gà ¶Ãƒ §ek , 1996, p. 35) However, essentially, as pointed out by Lewis (1982), during the course of their history, the Ottoman Turks outgrew their initial tendency to maraud and slaughter at will, and were predisposed towards building an empire through a well-knit system of administration that derived from the Koran; over the years, they graduated to retaining their warm relationship with non-Muslims out of practical considerations. (Lewis, 1982, p. 5) For example, in most of the lands the Ottomans ruled, Christians and Jews had lived for centuries. Where conversion of these people, especially the numerically superior Christians was impossible, forcing conversion would almost certainly have invited revolt; because of this, most Ottoman rulers decided that it was wiser to leave these minorities to their own religion. In addition, allowing them to practise their own religion also gave the administration much needed taxes. In this sense, the presence of the minorities was actually an advantage to some Ottoman s ultans. These minority religious groups usually were classified under a system of local administration called the millet. Literally translating to nation, these units were helpful in keeping the Sultan informed about the state of affairs of the minorities. (McCarthy, 1997, pp. 127, 128) As a result, although there were some infrequent tensions in the form of humiliation and derision, by and large, the relationship between the Muslims and non-Muslims in the entire length and breadth of the Ottoman Empire, almost throughout the six centuries of its existence, was characterised mostly by goodwill, making the Empire a medley of various religions and cultures. This contrasted starkly with the ghettos and exile of the Jews in Europe. The occasional strains that arose were more for economic and social reasons rather than purely religious. (Lewis, 1982, pp. 5-7) Women in the Ottoman Empire: When it came to their treatment of women, the Ottomans derived from the various traditions they inherited, and Islam was one of them. While the lineage was patriarchal, their regional and tribal inheritance showed up in various aspects of their relationship with women, as precisely described here: â€Å"the Ottomans did make rational choices and draw upon a number of traditions in establishing the imperial household. The legacy of acquiring women through â€Å"raids† most likely came directly from a central Asian tradition; the employment of polygyny, that is multiple wives, probably derived from Islamic sources; the Ottomans may have learned of concubinage from the Persians; and they may have adapted from the Byzantines the idea of securing alliance and treaty through marriages.† (Goffman, 2002, p. 40) Part IV: Conclusion: Islam was the soul of the Ottoman system of governance; yet, this was by no means a repressive regime. Contrary to the treatment of non-Muslims in most parts of the world that came under Muslim rule[5], the Ottoman Empire, the largest Islamic empire in history, (Karsh, 2003, p. 25) displayed a fair degree of tolerance towards its non- Muslim subjects. Whatever may have motivated this, the fact is that this speaks of the completeness of their evolution from the days of the Ghazi to that of a rule that had a generally salutary effect on the minorities of the empire. Overall, the Ottomans turned out to be a relatively far more tolerant empire than the Christian regimes of Europe of the same period. This perhaps was to lay the foundations of the modern Turkey as we know it today. References Goffman, D., (2002), The Ottoman Empire and Early Modern Europe, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. Gà ¶Ãƒ §ek , F. M., (1996), Rise of the Bourgeoisie, Demise of Empire: Ottoman Westernization and Social Change, Oxford University Press, New York. Karsh, E., (2003), Rethinking the Middle East, Frank Cass, London. Levy, A., (1992), The Sephardim in the Ottoman Empire, Darwin Press, Princeton, NJ. Lewis, B., (1982), Introduction, in Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire: The Functioning of a Plural Society, Braude, B. Lewis, B. (Eds.) (pp. 1-32), Homes Meier Publishers, New York. McCarthy, J., (1997), The Ottoman Turks: An Introductory History to 1923, Longman, London. Turnbull, S., (2003), The Ottoman Empire, 1326-1699, Routledge, New York. ZeEvi, D., (1994), â€Å"The Sufi Connection: Jerusalem Notables in the Seventeenth Century† in Papers from CIEPO IX, Jerusalem Papers from CIEPO IX, Jerusalem, Singer, A. Cohen, A. (Eds.) (pp. 126-142), Hebrew University, Jerusalem. 1 [1] This blend of militarism and religious doctrines is best illustrated by Marshal Hodgson, in whose words the basic feature of the Ottoman Empire was that it was â€Å"a military- sharÄ «a alliance† (ZeEvi, 1994, p. 136) [2] Information on the early history and the structure of governance of the Ottoman Empire is neatly summed up in the following link: Although this site cannot be treated as a great scholarly work, it is a good account that can be used as a kind of concise guide to this aspect of the power vacuum in the founding of the Empire, and the relationship of the state and its structure with Islam. [3] The following link is an excellent source for a detailed account of the blood-soaked history of the Inquisitions: [4] On the subject of jurisdiction of dispute settlement between members of the minority communities, this author offers an interesting recorded instance, in which there is no contradiction about a situation such as this: â€Å"if Zeyd the Jew goes from Istanbul-proper to Galata to conduct business and if Amr the Christian, claiming (Zeyd the Jew) needs to settle a transaction, takes him to the Islamic court of Galata, would Zeyd the Jew have the right to state that he wants the case heard instead by the Islamic court in the neighborhood of Galata-proper.†(Gà ¶Ãƒ §ek, 1996, p.35) [5] An interesting case for the study of treatment of non-Muslim subjects in a state ruled by Muslims is that of India. The Muslims were the dominant ruling class for about 10 centuries, but this reign was far from even. Islamic kings’ treatment of the majority Hindus saw no uniformity, and is a matter of heated and emotive debate to this day in the country.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Inuit Culture over Time Essay example -- canada, canadian

The Inuit people of Nunavik in Quebec province in Canada had lived in the harsh environment of the arctic for thousands of years with little contact from the outside world, but the Europeans have changed that, and the Inuit people have had to adapt to contact with other cultures and new technology. In the beginning of the Inuit Culture, the people had to be extremely resourceful in order to help the cope with the harsh environment of the Arctic, but when the Europeans arrived they made environmental changes and they also forced cultural changes upon the Inuit people. Now the Inuit people of Canada are forming their own governmental system which will allow them to protect and gain wealth from their own resources. The geographic features of Nunavik hugely influence how the Inuit people obtain food and shelter because it is such a harsh environment. As modern technologies became more prevalent, traditional methods of surviving were forgotten for many reasons. Pita Aatami, the pres ident of the Makavik Corporation, is a tribal leader who, along with other tribal leaders, has a vision of incorporating modern technologies with traditional values. The Inuit people of Nunavik had a very distinct culture before the Europeans arrived. The modes of transportation consisted of dog sleds, and kayaks made of skin and bone. Because of the cold climate, they ate animals from the ocean and rivers such as Beluga Whales, seals, and fish. In the summer, they found berries to eat. There are no trees in the arctic, so they used other resources to build shelter. They lived mostly in igloos, made of ice blocks and sealed by pouring water over them and letting it freeze. They also built sheds and other buildings out of whale bones and various animal... ...e Canadian government for the Nunavik Corporation’s plan for a Nunavik Regional Government. She first had the idea for the self government when she was vice-president of the Nunavik Corporation. She is now a board member on the Board of Nasavvik (an Inuit Health and Changing Environment agency) and is also on the Circumpolar Inuit Health Steering Committee. She has been working on Nunavik self government since 2002. The Inuit people of Nunavik have used their incredible resourcefulness to survive in the harsh environment of the Tundra and have a rich culture, but with the arrival of European technology, government and environmental destruction, their way of life has been threatened and much of their old culture has been lost. They are working to preserve their culture by passing it through education, and negotiating for more control so that they can do that.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Comparison of the first chapters of Pride and Prejudice and Great Expectations Essay

In the first chapter of Great Expectations, Dickens uses first person narrative to present a retrospective account of the narrator’s formative experiences. The narrator has obviously matured and learnt much since his days as a young boy, and he recounts his innocent imagination with some humour and disdain: â€Å"My first fancies regarding what they were like, were unreasonably derived from their tombstones.† Here Dickens uses authorial control to present a pitiful account of a lonely, orphaned boy; â€Å"and that Philip Pirrip, late of the parish, and also Georgiana wife of the above, were dead and buried.† And the fact that he mentions his parents death in the second paragraph shows just how significantly this has affected the young boy’s life. In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen also uses authorial control to immediately inform the reader of the central theme of the book, and establish a humorous, ironic tone. This is done through the famous first line: â€Å"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.† but unlike Dicken’s first person narration, Austen separates herself completely from the mind and viewpoint of the characters, using dialogue to show her contempt for the social expectation of marriage: â€Å"‘Oh! Single, my dear to be sure! A single man of large fortune; four or five thousand a year. What a fine thing for our girls!'† Austen presents Mrs Bennet as a personification of the first sentence of the book, and uses humour and irony to satirise and mock her. Another comparison between the two first chapters is that Dickens is very descriptive in his opening paragraphs: â€Å"Ours was the marsh country, down by the river, within, as the river wound, twenty miles at sea.† whereas Austen does not give any background information on the characters and where they live until the end. At the end of the chapter Austen describes Mr and Mrs Bennet: â€Å"Mr Bennet was so odd a mixture of quick parts, sarcastic humour, reserve, and caprice.† and: â€Å"Mrs Bennet was a woman of mean understanding, little information, and certain temper.† This authorial comment tells the reader exactly how to interpret the conversation they have just read, and it also presents a contrast between the two books: as Dickens uses pathos to make the reader pity Pip, Austen makes no attempt to make her central characters likeable. Finally both authors use binary opposition to emphasize the attributes of the different characters. For example in Great Expectations, Dickens contrasts the young, innocent Pip against the old and experienced nature of the escaped convict. When Pip meets the old man he lets his fearful imagination take hold of him: â€Å"‘O! Don’t cut my throat sir,'† I plead in terror. ‘Pray don’t do it, sir.'† which shows just how little understanding of the world Pip has. In Pride and Prejudice Mr Bennet’s mildly sarcastic statements are lost on Mrs Bennet, who’s over enthusiasm makes her oblivious to Mr Bennet’s mocking tone: â€Å"Mr Bennet, how can you abuse your own children in such way? You take delight in vexing me. You have no compassion on my poor nerves.† The disparity between them is amusing, but it is also ironic, as the reader’s first view of marriage in a novel about finding marital happiness is one of a mismatc hed couple that cannot communicate.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Mr. Sun

Module Code: PM002 Class/Group: Group C Module Title: Research Design and Critique Assessment: Full Research Proposal Assignment Title: An investigation into the factors that influence the Glaswegian public’s choice of car. Student ID Number: 2059626 Date of Submission: November 29th, 2012 An investigation into the factors that influence the Glaswegian public’s choice of car. Rationale The number of automobiles had risen to over 1 billion vehicles all the world in 2010, which is 20 times more than this number in 1986(Sousanis, John,2011).Car plays a indispensable role in today's society, according to a survey from World Bank(2011), the number of ownership of motor vehicles per 1,000 people is more than 500 in most of developing countries, especially for Monaco, the number was 908(World Bank Data,2009). Although cars have become more and more commonplace, but the cars are still expensive commodity, also there is no doubt that the final decisions are usually made after ca reful consideration when people purchasing a car(Kathuria, Singla,2012). At the same time, as the vehicle types supplied to be chosen by consumers have become more and more various.When consumer facing with abundant of choices, they become more and more confused and irresolute. With the segmentation of automobile market, the factors that affect the public' car choices are more and more diversified. According to Couton et al. (2006), various studies have applied hedonic price modeling to show that price variation among new cars can be explained by differences in key product characteristics such as horsepower, engine capacity, speed, and safety features. However, these measurable variables may not be the main explanatory factors which will influence the choice of consumers.Based on the above mentioned content, this research will focus on the decisive factors which will impact the public's final choice of car, especially in the Glasgow area due to investigations and studies in the fiel d will be carried out and conducted in this city. Its results would probably benefit to car dealers and consumers. Especially for car manufacturers, they can according to consumer preferences to redesign and improve vehicles to gain better market performance. 1. What are the choices the public have when buying a car? 2. What are the main factors influencing public’s choices? . What variables affect these factors? Annotate Bibliography Banerjee,S. (2010) ,Study on Consumer Buying Behavior During Purchase of a Second Car , Journal of Marketing & Communication ,6 (2),4-13. This essay describes that for different types of automobiles, the main factors affect consumer’s purchase is slightly different in choosing a particular brand is always based on the different set of consumers towards various preference parameter. For different market segments of vehicle, dimensions are different. A successful car brand has had to accept and adopt these dimensions.In addition, the author also pointed out that there are many common factors influence the public's choice between consumers to buying a second car and purchasing the first one, but there are some obvious differences between them. For example, functional level factor such as car efficacy and usefulness are main concerns for second car buyers. Moreover, this article also mentioned that a high level of investment in advertising and promotional activities may not be able to guarantee a high percentage of repeat purchase. However, a long-term stable customer relationship will probably increase the probability of second time purchase.This journal is effectively to analysis interrelationship between consumer’s first car and second car, and common facts which seem to influence the public’s purchase behavior. The survey uses a probability sampling approach conducted with the passenger car owners in India with 525 samples. However, in this article, the author does not mention the relationship and impo rtance between satisfaction of customers on the second-hand value of the first car and loyalty for choosing the second-hand car, because a high level of satisfaction, may bring referral and repeat purchase.Randol E. Bucklin, S. Siddarth, Jorge M. Silva-Risso,(2008), â€Å"Distribution Intensity and New Car Choice†,JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, Vol. XLV, 473-496. This journal demonstrate that the relationship between 4S shops distribution intensity of cars and brand new car buyers’ choices in the U. S. automobile market. Different from price, effect of advertising, promotional activities and other factors, distribution intensity changes relatively slow, but the distribution intensity will be affected some variables, thereby might affect decisions of consumers buying cars.Additionally, this article used information on the U. S car sales transactions gave by the Power Information Network, which included the accurate geographic locations of consumers and dealers. Non-prob ability sampling method was used in 55 4S shops as a samples. Dealer accessibility, dealer concentration and dealer spread would determine distribution intensity and then will largely affect the choice of the people for the car brands.This journal is relevant to the topic of this research, firstly it provides information about what factors will influence the public’s choice of car, secondly it shows how the three main variables influence the distribution intensity of each brand, so that influence the public’s choice of car. However, this study focuses on only the distribution intensity about car dealers, makes no attempt to differentiate between various different types of car, and the conclusion might not suitable for the niche car brands. Beside this, the author might overlook the fact that distribution intensity ontributes to high-end car brands. Dharmaraj,C. , Clement,S. J. ,(2010). Brand Preference Factors of Passenger Cars: An Empirical Assessment, Indiana Univers ity Press, The IUP Journal of Brand Management, 7(3),19-33. This article mainly analyzes the factors which will influence consumer's automotive brand preference. According to the author's study, performance of passenger cars are considered as the most important factor which might dominate consumer's preference, especially for male consumers, but economic abilities are the bases of the preference.In addition, the marketing communication strategy of a car will also largely affect the overall decisions of consumers. In conclusion, the comprehensive strength of a car, such as safety factor, industrial design, stability, scientific and technological content, durability, daily use cost, re-sale value , fuel consumption, comforts and so on, each of them is factor influence people ‘s preference and choice of car. This study is highly relevant to the topic of this research and demonstrates most of factors that will influent consumer purchase preference comprehensively and systematicall y.Although this survey collected data using questionnaires from 712 car buyers/owners by simple random sampling, there is not any variables about the respondents are addressed. In addition, the author offers no explanation for the distinction between Indian car market and developed countries’ market, the simple random sampling method was conducted in a midsize Indian city. Therefore, it is slightly possible that the survey result might not apply for city of Glasgow. Baltas,G. , Saridakis,G. 2009),†Brand-name effects, segment differences, and product characteristics: an integrated model of the car market†, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 18(2), 143 –-151. This article discusses that price of car is a main factor influence the public’s choice, and the price structure of new car market is determined by automobile characteristics, brand effects, and segment differences. A hedonic price experimental model is designed and implemented that includes b rand-name heterogeneity and functional characteristics.In addition, another extensive dataset model is applied to support the brand effects and hypotheses of segment differences. According to these two models, in mainstream car market, the functional characteristics determines automobile prices largely , however in high-end car market, incremental value is added to a car because its brand value , so the connotation of the brand value decide the price of prestige brands cars in large extent. The findings of this article include relevant information to this research. Firstly, it is a great probability that price of car is one of key facts which influence the public’s choice.This article demonstrates that there are at least three reasons determine the structure of automobile prices, and analyzes the variables and decisive factors of prices in mainstream segments and high-end segments respectively. However, the research focuses on many of the variables affecting the price of car and does not take into account other factors such as the industrial design of a car and the impact of marketing strategies. At the same time, mentioned in the text, the implicit brand value will affect car prices, thereby affecting consumer’s choice, but it is possible that the brand price is difficult to be quantified accurately.Kathuria,L. M. , Singla,V. ,(2012) Purchase of Pre-Owned Small Cars in India: An Exploratory Study, The IUP Journal of Marketing Management, 11(2),63-75. This study highlights that the main factors impacting the buying choice of second hand small vehicle were purchasing power constraint, high cost-effective, improve driving skills, desire for car , high resale price, good quality of after-sales service, brand public praise and easy to maintenance. Additionally, families who want to buy new four-wheelers to replace old two-wheelers should be seen as a new market segment might be targeted for selling cars.This article contributes to understand differen t and similar factors between people buying a new small car and pre-owned car. Nevertheless, the article was just focus on small vehicle with a specification requirements of length? 4 meters and with an engine displacement? 1,500 cubic centimeters (cc) for diesel and petrol, therefore, the universality of the research results might have certain limitations. Methodology As can be seen from previous studies and related sources, the factors affecting people's choice can be divided into two parts to analysis respectively.The one part is factors that influence people to buy a new car and the other is factors that influence people to choose a used car. Moreover, the new car dealers and used car markets are also often separated. Therefore, an explanatory study to illustrate the relationship between the consumer preferences and purchase factors by using a quantitative method is essential. In addition , the relationship between these two parts, as well as the positive and negative effects of factors of two parts would be explored with exploratory study concluded by a qualitative method.In modern societies, the number of car owners is very numerous, so within a short period of time to collect the data information from a large population base which is very important and not very easy. Although a case study strategy could be used to explore a contemporary phenomenon in its real life context, but it may take more time and lack breadth which makes it hard to generalize results (Saunders et al. 2009: 141-154). Beside this, survey data usually comes from standardizing academic investigating behaviors and tools, so that might make results more authoritative and reliable.Therefore, survey is a suitable research strategy for this research. According to Bryman (2012) points out that â€Å"quantitative research may sometimes be untrusted because the data can be artificial and spurious†. Because of there is a very numerous number of car owners, so a non-probability sampling would be used in this research. As here are almost 700,000 people who lived in the city of Glasgow, that means the sample size might bigger, a questionnaire is a data collection technique in which each person responds to the same set of questions, so questionnaire is more suitable for this research.Although the non-standardised interviews as a method is good for demonstrating the reasons for the decisions and attitudes of research participants (Saunders et al. 2009, 361), it would take too much time, also human and material resources. Ethic issues are defined as a situation or problem that needs people or organization to make a choice between options that must be evaluated as wrong (unethical) or right (ethical)(Business Dictionary,2012).According to the British Sociological Association(2004:2), the social research projects are designed and conducted, ethical issues are necessary to be taken into consideration. In this research, the non-maleficence which contains physical and indire ct harm is the cornerstone of all the ethical issues in the research (Saunders, el at. 2007: 181). In addition, the violation personal privacy and the protection of confidentiality may be the potential ethical issues.Maximum extent to avoid the occurrence of these ethical concerns, before the implementation of the access section of research, questionnaire participants will be informed: firstly,the purpose of this research, their participation is valuable, the results of the research may contribute to R & D and sales of new cars so that they can have a more suitable vehicle and a better car user experience; Secondly, respondents participate in this research follow the principles of voluntary and informed consent, whenever and wherever they can withdraw(Saunders et al, 2009:193); Thirdly, participants do not have to worry about their personal information will be faced with rick of leakage, because the questionnaire are anonymous.In addition, as car is a expensive commodity, questions on questionnaire about personal income and household economic situation of participants should be avoided, so as not to violate their privacy. Beside this, most of purchase of cars are family behavior, taking into account the special circumstances of some families, such as divorce, therefore the marriage status should avoid being asked, so as not to cause discomfort of participants. As Golafshani(2003:598) points out that the reliability is to ensure the consistency of research data collection and analysis. The risk of collecting data may do harmful to research reliability mainly relies on participants.According to Bell(2010:151), participants may finish the questionnaires inaccurately because of many reasons such as bad mood or time limited. If the participants are too excited or in a hurry, there is a small possibility that they fill the questionnaire patiently that would result in the data lacking of reliability, thereby affecting the consistency of collecting data. To solve this problem, use of internet-mediated questionnaires may be more effective, because of the respondents could complete the online questionnaire whenever and wherever they would like. The length of the questionnaire and the use of professional vocabulary may also are potential factors which may influence the research reliability.Advice from Bellk(2006:325), questionnaire is designed no more than two pages may contribute to increasing the quality and completeness. In addition, there are many specialized vocabulary in automotive sector, such as turbocharged and dual-rotor engine, that would confused participants. Therefore, common and usual words should be used as far as possible. According to cook and campbell(1979), the validity is defined as â€Å"best available approximation to the truth or falsity of a given inference, proposition or conclusion†. Firstly, The non-probability sampling will be applied in this research, due to the characteristics of this method, the non-probabilit y sampling will cause a certain threat to validity.Moreover, in the process of collecting data, there is possibility that the instrumentation may change so that influencing the results of this research. Word Count: 2278. References: Andersson, H. (2005), â€Å"The value of safety as revealed in the Swedish car market: an application of the hedonic pricing approach†, The Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Vol. 30 No. 3, pp. 211-39. Baltas,G. , Saridakis,C. (2009), Brand-name effects, segment differences, and product characteristics: an integrated model of the car market, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 18(2),pp. 143 –-151. Belk,R. (2006), Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods. Northampton: Edward Elgar. pp. 322. Bell, J. (2010).Doing your research project, 5th edition. Berkshire: Open University Press. pp. 148-152. British Sociological Association,(2004), Statement of Ethical Practice for the Sociological Association. pp. 2-7. Bryman,A. , (2012). Social Research Method, Fourth Edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press Business Dictionary, Ethical Issue, Retrieved 21 November 2012 from http://www. businessdictionary. com/definition/ethical-issue. html Couton,C. , Gardes,F. And Thepaut,Y. (1996),Hedonic prices for environmental and safety characteristics and the Akerlof effect in the French car market. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 3, pp. 435-40. Dharmaraj,C. , Sudhahar, C. J. ,(2010).Brand Preference Factors of Passenger Cars: An Empirical Assessment, Indiana University Press, The IUP Journal of Brand Management, 7(3),pp. 19-33. Golafshani,H. (2003),Understanding Reliability and Validity in Qualitative Research,The Qualitative Report, 8(4). PP. 597-607. http://www. nova. edu/ssss/QR/QR8-4/golafshani. pdf Kathuria,L. 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Reflection Week Essay

Apply ratio, vertical, and horizontal analyses to financial statements Ratio analyses are used by companies to gather information in a company’s financial statement. Ratios and numbers from a company’s current year are compared to previous years and sometimes even the economy to judge the company’s performance. There are several ratios such as profitability ratios, liquidity ratios, activity ratios, leverage ratios and market ratios that can be used to calculate financial information. In vertical analyses, each entry of the assets, liabilities and equities in a balance sheet is represented as a proportion of the total account of the financial statement. In horizontal analysis a company’s ratios are compared in the financial statements over a period of time. Horizontal analysis can be used from revenues to earnings per share. Prepare a statement of cash flows using both direct and indirect methods. When preparing a statement of cash flows, there are two different methods that can be used; there is the direct method, and there is also the indirect method. The direct method shows operating cash receipts and payments, making it more consistent with the objective of a statement of cash flow, while the indirect method adjusts net income for items that do not affect cash. The FASB allows both methods to be used because in the end the results of the total amount for net cash provided by operating activities arrive in the same way. Companies use numerous adjustments when preparing such statements so following a proper guide such as the direct method or indirect method will help to ensure that everything is properly in order the way it should be. Prepare journal entries associated with the issuance of preferred and common stocks and the declaration and payment of dividends The issuance of common stock affects only paid-in-capital accounts. Always record common stock at its par or stated value. Debit Cash and credit Common Stock. Preferred stock has preference over common stock. However, preferred stockholders do not have voting rights. The entry is debit to Cash and credit to Preferred Stock. For a corporation to issue cash dividends there must be: retained earnings, adequate cash, and a declaration of dividends. A company does not pay dividends unless its board of directors decides to do so, then it is deemed declared. When it is declared then it becomes a liability. Three important dates are observed with dividends: declaration date, record date, and the payment date. Declaration commits a corporation to legal obligations.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Geography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Geography - Essay Example The religious aspect does not play a big part, despite members of each side being Islamic, Christian, or other religious beliefs. It is a war between the Arab and non-Arab groups. The conflict in the Sudan has been raging for years. The Afro-Arab factions along with the Sudenese government to conquer a new rebel groups in Dafar called Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) which are made up of non-Arab Muslims. Both factions are black. The Sudanese government which is Arab has been targeting non-Arabic Africans for years. However when the SLM and JEM started fighting back the bloodshed intensified. The Sudanese government has not entered into the fight directly, but has funded the Janjaweed. The Janjaweed is considered a terrorist group in the West. Accusations of genocide have been directed at the Janjaweed. Due to the Sudanese government support of the Janjaweed, not much has been done to rectify the situation. The skirmishes and killing continue despite peace treaties and ongoing talks. Arabic Muslims believe that non-Arabic Africans is inferior to them. They believe that all ‘black’ non-Arabic Africans should be slaves. This history goes back to Arabic Muslims selling non-Arabic Muslims and non-Muslims to slave traders. Although the Arabic faction of the Sudan is lighter than the non-Arabic faction, both are still black. The Arabic faction does not see the darker non-Arabic as the same color or race. The darker Africans are inferior and meant to be slaves. As mentioned before religion does not play a big factor in this conflict. Going back to the slave trade days, the non-Arabic people were sold into slavery even if they were Muslim. Alex Hailey’s ancestor in Roots was a devout Muslim. However due to the color of his skin, Kunta Kinte was captured and sold to slave traders. He did not understand why men the same color as him could sell a brother into

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Obtaining a Masters in Real Estate and Urban Analysis from UF Essay

Obtaining a Masters in Real Estate and Urban Analysis from UF - Essay Example I am very interested at this point in my life in pursuing a Master of Science in Real Estate at the University of Florida. My application is extremely competitive as I enjoy a competitive advantage over the majority of applicants due to the fact that I have successfully completed a graduate degree program in the past. When I studied my graduate degree at the University of Virginia I expanded my critical thinking, analytical abilities, and interpersonal skills. These skills have helped me a lot as a professional and they will help me as a future student at the University of Florida improve my chances of success in the Master of Science in Real Estate graduate program. My job experience is a strong aspect of my application as I have hands on experience in the real estate field. I currently own a startup company that specializes in real estate investments conducting valuation analysis, rehabs and lease options for individuals that need a roof, but are not approved for a loan because of their credit ratings among other factors. I have worked as an accountant in a big firm which sharpened my financial analytical skills as well as developing my abilities to deal with clients. In 2009 I switched careers and obtained a job with Tyco International working for ADT Security Services as a Sr. Financial Analyst providing support for the marketing department.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Case study on Zara Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Case study on Zara - Essay Example 67). Political Factors While considering the political aspect, apparel companies should have various interactions with the governments to understand the government policies for the intercession in the legal and economic aspects to aid the decision making process. Government bodies, especially those belonging to the emerging economises like India and China have welcomed foreign invest with open arms. However, there are different restrictions in various nations that need to be considered before making market entry. Add to that the trade policies in different countries may need certain adjustments on the part of the companies. E.g. China has a currency policy that results in imports to be higher than the market price. Economic Factors At present the northern American and the EU nations are looking to comeback from the shock-waves of the economic down-turn. Downward economic trend may have transformed regular clothing purchases into luxury purchases or ‘splurge’ as due to th e downturn there might have been a dip in the disposable incomes. Also the rise in the rates of personal saving may have had a negative impact on the consumer demand. However, the recent global growth went up to 3.6 percent in the 1st quarter of 2012. This likely to supplement the expansion strategy of the apparel companies as majority of the apparel companies are looking to enter emerging economies like India and China (Henry, 2008, p. 89). Social Factors As mentioned before due to the downward economic trend consumers are looking to spend more on education, leisure, travel, healthcare, electronics, etc and relatively less on clothing. Also the consumers have become a lot more environment conscious and look to do business with... Zara is one of the leading global fast-fashion brands. The organization has implemented both cost leadership and differentiation strategy as their business level strategy. They have effectively implemented vertical integration strategy in their supply chain network. Though Zara is one of the renowned and popular global brands, the organization may face several difficulties through their centralized manufacturing strategy. Their business model is cost-effective and they have set up business goals and objectives effectively basis on the model. It is feasible that the execution of determined strategies have bought success for Zara. Finally, it can be said the Zara should look to expand their business and adopt decentralize manufacturing process in the developing BRICK countries. Zara quickly develops the new feature and designs as the organization has the fast development option from the concept to point of sales. On an average, it takes 6 weeks. The positioning of Zara clearly address that it is not a luxurious fashion brand but the organization used to target the price sensitive people with the help of fashionable designs of clothes in reasonable price level. They have always differentiated their product line by the relentless introduction of latest and new designed clothes in less quantity at rapid speed and the affordable price level of the products is the evidence of the large scale customization necessity of the target audience.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Marketing Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Marketing Plan - Assignment Example Furthermore the report has also presented the marketing strategy by which Philip Morris can grab the intended market segment. Finally the report has also highlighted some of the contingency plans as well as the budget for the coming three years. Table of Contents Tobacco Consumption 4 Philip Morris: A Brief Introduction 5 Situation Analysis 5 Industry Analysis 5 Market Characteristics 7 Consumer Analysis 8 Competitor Analysis 8 Product Offerings 9 SWOT Analysis 9 Market Research and Information 10 Marketing Strategy 11 Missions and Values 11 Marketing Objectives 11 Financial Objectives 11 Target Market Segment 12 Positioning 12 Broad Overall Strategy 12 Marketing Mix 13 Financials 14 Control Procedures 14 Contingency Plan 15 References 16 Appendices 18 Tobacco Consumption The tobacco industry consists of a number of corporations that manufactures and sells tobacco and its related product all over the world. However among the tobacco products cigarettes are the most popular. Studies r eveal that there are billions of smokers around the world, although the figure dipped due government interventions. The interference of Governments of respective countries and banning of cigarettes in few places has hugely affected the sales of cigarettes. Also the health issues of cigarettes are impacting in the sales. Despite of the economic downturn and health issues the industry bears contradiction with elevated demands. In the context of the US market, the volume of the tobacco industry is simply huge however the industry has suffered greatly from the mid 1990s, when various states of the country had officially banned smoking of cigarettes. The states also highlighted that cigarettes causes cancer and all the companied indulged in this business knew the fact, but they intentionally understated their findings about the ill effects of it. This has led to the death and severe illness of a number of smokers around the world. Further the US government incorporated a number of polici es and laws in order to prohibit the selling of products related to tobacco. Despite of such strong rules and policies from the US government the industry maintained its strong hold. There are large numbers of cigarette companies operation within the US market and hence the level of competition is intense. Some of the evident companies that operate in the markets of US include Philip Morris, British American Tobacco (BAT), Universal Corporation, Standard Commercial, DIMON, Reynolds American, Lorillard Tobacco Company, and Vector Group's Liggett unit (Yahoo Finance, n.d.). Most of the tobacco companies operating in the markets of US spend huge bucks for promoting their products (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). In order to be more competitive the company needs to develop a sound marketing plan which will ensure higher visibility of their brand in the market place. Hence the marketing plan for Philip Morris is developed accordingly. Now to start off with the developm ent of marketing plan a brief introduction of the company has been presented below. Philip Morris: A Brief Introduction Philip Morris is a US based firm specializes in the manufacturing and selling of tobacco products. It is the US division of Altria Group Inc. Among the product mix of the company, it gives special emphasis to its cigarette segment. The company is currently headquartered in Richmond, Virginia

Friday, October 4, 2019

Bias or the Predisposition an Issue Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Bias or the Predisposition an Issue - Assignment Example The title itself gives away the author’s leaning against Karadzic using the word â€Å"mock† – a word that has harsh implications such as to treat somebody with scorn. Though according to the article the former Bosnian President has â€Å"demanded another nine months to prepare his defence† (Charter, 2009, para. 2) and â€Å"mock† can literally mean to prevent something, the choice of words connotes Karadzic’s actions to cause frustration or humiliation- a far too great accusation that becomes personal in relation to the judges present at the court. Other words used to describe Karadzic include â€Å"a psychiatrist who hoodwinked many with his disguise† (Charter, 2009, para. 3) and â€Å"wraithlike shadow† (Charter, 2009, para. 4). The first description already insinuates that the former Bosnian Serb leader is indeed already guilty of tricking his whole nation even before the trial has started. The writer here forgets that the t rial is ongoing in the first place to assess whether Karadzic is guilty or not. The second description, on the other hand, is plainly a figure of speech- a rhetorical device that appeals to the imagination of readers to suggest how evil Karadzic is. Upon further inspection of the way the article is written, the tone of the writer becomes apparent: he is the one who is, in fact, mocking Radovan Karadzic as he mimics the actions of the defendant by putting them into words in a demeaning way: It seems that his exasperation subsided when Karadzic â€Å"finally graced the UN war crimes court† (Charter, 2009, para. 1) – his tone condescending in even being patient for Karadzic’s arrival. The placement of certain facts and the pertaining to the defendant can put emphasis on ideas and also give away the inclination of the writer: The placement of â€Å"a psychiatrist who hoodwinked many with his disguise on the run as a New Age healer and who prides himself as a master of mind game†Ã‚  (Charter, 2009, para. 3) between dashes is sure to stick to the reader’s mind as the whole story of the life of Radovan Karadzic, not to mention the reference to Karadzic being a â€Å"master of mind games† (Char ter, 2009, para. 3) will surely make readers think twice before sympathizing with him.