Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Geography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Geography - Essay Example The religious aspect does not play a big part, despite members of each side being Islamic, Christian, or other religious beliefs. It is a war between the Arab and non-Arab groups. The conflict in the Sudan has been raging for years. The Afro-Arab factions along with the Sudenese government to conquer a new rebel groups in Dafar called Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) which are made up of non-Arab Muslims. Both factions are black. The Sudanese government which is Arab has been targeting non-Arabic Africans for years. However when the SLM and JEM started fighting back the bloodshed intensified. The Sudanese government has not entered into the fight directly, but has funded the Janjaweed. The Janjaweed is considered a terrorist group in the West. Accusations of genocide have been directed at the Janjaweed. Due to the Sudanese government support of the Janjaweed, not much has been done to rectify the situation. The skirmishes and killing continue despite peace treaties and ongoing talks. Arabic Muslims believe that non-Arabic Africans is inferior to them. They believe that all ‘black’ non-Arabic Africans should be slaves. This history goes back to Arabic Muslims selling non-Arabic Muslims and non-Muslims to slave traders. Although the Arabic faction of the Sudan is lighter than the non-Arabic faction, both are still black. The Arabic faction does not see the darker non-Arabic as the same color or race. The darker Africans are inferior and meant to be slaves. As mentioned before religion does not play a big factor in this conflict. Going back to the slave trade days, the non-Arabic people were sold into slavery even if they were Muslim. Alex Hailey’s ancestor in Roots was a devout Muslim. However due to the color of his skin, Kunta Kinte was captured and sold to slave traders. He did not understand why men the same color as him could sell a brother into

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