Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Give me 3 to 4 topics than i will choose one of them and let you Research Proposal

Give me 3 to 4 topics than i will choose one of them and let you know.topic of human resorce manangment i am doing phd so need a researcg - Research Proposal Example Managers of performance appraisal, variable pay, and merit plans stress on the fact that these programs must be in form or should be constant with organizations employee practices, strategic missions or goals, and culture whether they are doing the work as organization aims. Earlier in 1982, few federal plans like those funded under the Job Training Partnership Act, were needed to build up contracts which exercised clients results measures as well as serve incentives and authorized accordingly (Yates, 1997). The Government Performance and Results Act 1993 and also the Service Efforts and Accomplishments (SEA) reporting idea of Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB, 1994) underlined the significance of performance responsibility. In late 1994, 26 federal groups signed charitable promises to convert near about 100 service agreements to performance based contracts. By 1997, federal acquisition requirements were rewritten with specific language about the requirement for performance necessities and quality benchmarks in both agreements requirements and also quality assurance. These laws and plans discussed the significance of measuring agreement performance on delivery of already agreed services as well as the feedbacks of services on users. In this project, the quasi experimental study can be used for understanding the research problem. Likert scale can be a very useful tool for completing this project. The sample size for this project can be selected as 100 people. A questionnaire will be prepared on the given topic for collecting the response of the respondents which will be answered by respondents individually. The findings will be analysed by statistical method. After completing the questionnaire section the responses of the respondents are analysed in the findings segment. The result will provide an insight into the organizational view point regarding

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