Friday, December 27, 2019

Path Of The Great Mother - 1331 Words

Path of the Great Mother origin story 4. The Path of the Great Mother also known as â€Å"PGM† is a polytheism religion which means people worship more than one god. The Path of the Great Mother was created in ancient Egypt and its origin dates back to the reign of Cleopatra in 30 BC. The Great Mother was a divine feminine Goddess, a mother to everyone, with her unconditionally love. At the beginning of time, men were intrigued by the fact only woman could bear children and worshipped them for bearing their children. Many people thought childbirth was a type of black magic because so many women that gave birth died during childbirth. The men feared that the woman who lived through childbirth had supernatural powers and could place a curse on anyone that defied them. The woman that survived childbirth were the rulers of time and followed in the foot steps â€Å"path† of the Great Mother for all eternity. 2. The Path of the Great Mother is composed of 4 Gods, (2 females and 2 males) Goddess Juno- Wife to God Ichor is The Great Mother Queen of the Gods and Protector of Heaven, and also serves as the Goddess of Life, Childbirth and Marriage Goddess Orion- is the daughter of Juno and Ichor is the Goddess of Light, Love and Water God Ichor - Husband to Goddess Juno is King of the Graveyard and also serves as the God of Death, Blood and War. God Leo- Son of Juno and Ichor is God of Darkness, Food and Fire 1. Creation story In theShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Mother To Son By Langston Hughes736 Words   |  3 Pagespoet and was known to be a leader of the Harlem Renaissance. The poem â€Å"Mother to Son† was written by Langston Hughes in 1922 and the poem portrays a conversation between the mother and her son. The poem revolves around the mother telling her son that life is full of ups and downs and no matter what happens, not to give up. 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