Friday, May 15, 2020

Essay on Into the Wild Book vs. Movie - 956 Words

Into the Wild: Book vs. Movie Into the Wild happens to be my favorite book, and also one of my favorite movies. Most people like one or the other, but I think the two complement each other because of the varied stances taken on the main character himself. In case you’re not familiar, Into the Wild is based on the true story of Chris McCandless who, after graduating with honors from Emory University in 1990, gave his entire savings of twenty-four thousand dollars to charity and set off following his dream of living off the land in the Alaskan wilderness. McCandless made it to Alaska, but died shortly after taking residence in an abandoned bus; he probably passed from eating the wrong deadly plant or possibly from starvation. The book was†¦show more content†¦Although the book doesn’t follow the chronological order of the exact events that took place either, it does it in a different way than the movie. In contrast to the film, we learn about Chris McCandless in the same order as the writer, John Krakauer, did himself. Krakauer starts the book with a tone of hopelessness that is not shared in the movie. In the beginning, Krakauer, and Chris’s parents visit the bus where their son’s dead body was discovered. The movie is all from Chris’s perspective, and the book is a pieced together look at Chris through the eyes of his family, mainly his sister, friends he made along the way and pretty much any other outsider with an opinion on Chris’s life and death. The film and the book present McCandless in different, but similar ways; some may say it’s the difference between fact and fiction. Both are obviously interpretations of Chris McCandless’s life and death, but I find the book to be more factual. Krakauer dug in deep, and got extensive interviews from the few people Chris considered to be his friends. In fact, the majority of the first chapter in the book is based on the memory of Jim Gallien, the man w ho dropped Chris off at the head of the Stampede Trail in Alaska. The movie, on the other hand, starts with actor, Emile Hersh, who plays McCandless, reading Chris’s own words from personal journals. The book looks at Chris as more of a tragic psychologicalShow MoreRelatedBooks vs Movies1204 Words   |  5 PagesBooks Vs. Movies Why are audiences so upset with the way the movie turned out after reading the book? † Ask any reader who has seen the movie version of a favorite book, and the answer will usually be, the book was better.† (Corliss,  2005, p.  1)They are frequently disappointed because the movie versions are not sticking to their all-time favorite book. 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