Sunday, August 11, 2019

Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Research Paper Example The energy from a rubber band for moving an object can make for a great idea. The idea behind using the rubber band is that the rubber band stores energy while being stretched and then while released can provide energy to make something â€Å"go†. One can find the amount of energy a rubber band has by studying the rubber band while it is at rest. This works by allowing the rubber band to first rest. Once the rubber band is at rest it can be stretched. The stretching of the rubber band stores energy. Once the stretched rubber band is released it releases energy as it returns back to its pre stretched state. The energy released from the rubber band can provide enough force to power an object with wheels. If the weight is light enough for the elasticity of the rubber band, the object will move. It is important to make sure the strength of the rubber band is suitable for the object. The rubber band has to be strong enough to release enough energy to move the object. Tests can help indicate which rubber band is strong enough for the object. When the rubber band is twisted instead of stretched it can store more energy. The rubber band once twisted has double the strength. As the rubber band untwists itself it can release much energy.

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