Friday, August 2, 2019

The Prevalence Of Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, And Binge Eating D

The Prevalence Of Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, And Binge Eating Disorder How prevalent is anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and other eating disorders? Without the knowledge of research, one is likely to think eating disorders are quite prevalent in society today. However, research proves that eating disorders, in general, are not as prevalent as one might think without any knowledge of the subject. Prevalence of an eating disorder refers to the number of cases of an eating disorder within a population. When discussing the prevalence of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and eating disorders, it is important to realize and understand the risk factors and characteristics that help to better explain the prevalence of such disorders. This paper will discuss the diagnostic criteria used to diagnose anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and eating disorders, as well as the risk factors and characteristics involved with each disorder. The prevalence of eating disorders in college men will also be discussed along with the risk factors and characteristics that lead to these prevalence rates. Prevalence and Diagnostic Criteria for Anorexia Nervosa In order to understand the importance of the prevalence of anorexia nervosa it is important to generally understand the DSM IV criteria for anorexia nervosa. In order to qualify for diagnosis as an anorexic, a Patient must maintain an abnormally low weight (I 5% below expected weight for height and age). One must also have severe concerns about shape and weight, which is usually seen as an intense fear of gaining weight, in order to be classified as an anorexic. One who qualifies as anorexic also has low self evaluation about shape and weight. Also, in post-menarchal females... ...c cases? The American Journal of Psychiatry 1996; 153:386-394. Fairbum, Christopher and Terence Wilson. (1993). Binge Eating. New York: Guilford Press. Garfinkel, Paul, Elizabeth Lin, Paula Goering, and Cathy Spegg: Bulimia nervosa in a Canadian community sample: prevalence and comparison of subgroups. The American Journal of Psychiatry 1995; 152: 1052-1062. Kendler, KS, Neale Maclean, R. Kessler, A. Heath, and L. Eaves: The genetic epidemiology of bulimia nervosa. American Journal of Psychiatry 199 1; 1627-163 7. Olivardia, Roberto, Harrison Pope, Jr., Barbara Mangweth, and James Hudson: Eating disorders in college men. American Journal of Psychiatry 1995; 152:1279-1291. Walters, Ellen, and Kenneth Kendler: Anorexia nervosa and anorexic-like syndromes in a population based female twin sample. The American Journal of Psychiatry 1995- 152: 64-75.

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